Sunday 29 September 2013

Australian Registration

One of my tasks has been to register the boat as an Australian registered vessel. This will allow us to travel in international waters and fly the Australian Ensign. It has been a process with lots of formality with Statuary declarations etc. The Australian Marine Safety Authority are very precise with boat names. We saw that Kool Kat was not on the register, so we thought that we were safe to keep the name. It was not to be, as there was a "Cool Cat" so we were not allowed to have "Kool Kat". In the US there are "Cool Cat" and "Kool Kat" but that is not allowed in Australia. So to cut a long story a little shorter our boat is now "Kool Kat I". There is now no "Kool Kat" in the US, so maybe we will see an American "Kool Kat" emerge somewhere in the Caribbean.