Wednesday 23 July 2014

Summer in Grenada

Summer is the wet season over here and most nights we have rain. During the past week we've had two days of continuous rain which means we either don't leave the boat or we wait for some respite and make a quick dash to shore! It never fails to surprise me how quickly the dinghy-cover dries out once the rain has stopped. Temperature doesn't vary much and is around 29C most days with humidity around 65%. Normally we have a breeze so it's good but, if not, it's swim time off the back of the boat.

This time I brought back with me from Oz a good rain coat (thanks Annie) and found a use for it last Friday when walking over to Secret Harbour for our volleyball game. Mal got drenched but Susie stayed dry!

Far too serious!

Pretty happy with himself! 

We've been playing quite a bit more volleyball lately (3-4 times per week) and, as I'm getting a little better, I'm enjoying it more:) Most couples don't like to play on the same team as their partner and Mal & I are no exception. Less arguments that way! Canadian friend Dalynn took the photos below including the iguana shot. It lives in a tree overlooking the volleyball court so we often catch sight of it munching on the new shoots. We did hear the other day that the locals have spotted it so we're hoping it will survive. It looks like a young one as it's not as large around the girth as some we've seen on other islands.

Mal in blue & Gagi in pink.
Mal & I on opposition teams.
Don't think I got this one!

Entertaining on the boat can be a challenge but we're getting better and we've mastered a few dishes. One is a Bill Granger chicken curry (thanks for recipe Rob Mc) which went down a treat with our guests, Gagi (pronounced Guggi) and Rudy, Anjelica and Dennis.

Gagi and Rudy
Dennis, Anjelica & Mal

My 1st bracelet.
Leather-wrap bracelets.
Gagi is an accomplished "beader" and has given me some materials and advice to get me started as a hobbyist. On those wet days when we can't get off the boat I need something other than reading, cooking and boat maintenance to do. Here are some pieces I have created. I've learnt how to do sliding knots which I like as a fastener. There are so many varieties of beading that mine is very different to what Gagi designs. Hers is very fine work and has a high level of complexity to the designs whereas I'm into simple, quick and easy, ready to wear! It's been alot of fun and I've now discovered beading has a massive following throughout the world. Gagi's website is She and Rudy run a very successful business from their yacht selling her tutorials and patterns in five languages. She is highly regarded in the beading community and very creative. She's also a mean volleyball player!

Double leather-wrap bracelet.
  Well, we're off on a long walk this arvo so until next time, lots of love, Sue & Mal. xx

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great photos! Love it! Keep going and see you on volleyball :)
